Me & Brazilian Adilson Dezerto
Tonda Helms’ first grade students pose with Brazilian Adilson Dezerto.
While at Sun Valley Elementary, Dezerto introduced students to common
Portuguese words and discussed the five different geographical regions of Brazil.
Sun Valley Elementary has partnered with English Second Language (ESL) students at two local universities (Queens University and The University of North Carolina at Charlotte).
Adilson Dezerto, a native Brazilian and a member of ESL, joined the movement to embrace Sun Valley Elementary School by talking with its first grade students. While at the school, Dezerto discussed how his nation’s primary language is Portuguese. He also discussed his country’s food (comida), school (escola), geography (geografia), and favorite sport soccer (futebol). As a resident from São Paulo, Dezerto also discussed the four other geographic regions of Brazil and what made them unique. “Students were excited to learn the capital of Brazil was Brasília, and that they will host the 2014 FIFA World Cup,” said SVES Spanish teacher Marina Sadow.
Through an initiative titled Children Connecting the World, SVES has hosted a variety of international programs including Prince Khalid of Saudi Arabia, the National Trust of Scotland, and more recently the Saudi Students Organization at UNCC, who performed a short play for SVES third grade students. This presentation had an unexpected Skype phone call from Prince Khalid of Saudi Arabia. Using an iPhone, students visited with Prince Khalid as he watched the Saudi Students Organization perform.